Market District News

The Market District, in northeastern Tallahassee, is a vibrant urban shopping, dining, and entertainment area offering unique experiences for both residents and visitors of the capital city. This energetic retail destination encompasses over 100 businesses throughout the district.

As a steadily expanding urban core of Tallahassee, the Market District is evolving to meet local business and community desires. See the latest major Market District news below.

Market District Park

Coming soon to the Market District, the Market District Park is set to become a lively community hub filled with amenities for everyone to enjoy! The park will feature pathways ideal for running and walking, a gathering area for events, a children's play zone complete with a splash pad, open green spaces, pickleball courts, and restroom facilities. Construction is expected to start this winter. The Market District Park is made possible by Blueprint Intergovernmental Agency.

Market District Signage

Our Market District signage can now be found on Maclay Boulevard South and Timberlane Road. The Market District Association has worked hard in collaboration with Knight Creative Community Institute, The Moore Agency, and City Planning to make these signs possible.

Thank you to everyone that assisted along the way! We are thrilled to have these signs welcoming all into the district.

Market District Kiosks

The Market District has a new addition—kiosks. The first kiosk has been put up at the corner of Market Street and Maclay Boulevard. The kiosk features a QR code that visitors can scan to receive news and updates. More kiosks are to come throughtout the district.

The Market District Association Board of Directors are committed to the betterment of our community and worked diligently with governmental leaders to make the new kiosks possible.

Mid-Street Crosswalk

The Market District Merchant Association has been collaborating with governmental leaders on constructing a mid-street crosswalk on Market Street. In January 2022, that work became a reality. Additionally, existing crosswalks were repainted.

All of these enhancements improve safety in the popular pedestrian area while helping connect business along Market Street. The mid-street crosswalk improves walkability in the area and improves the consumer experience.

Median Improvements

The Market District Merchant Association successfully advocated for improvements to the Timberlane Road medians. Previously the medians were plain grassy islands, but now they are home to a variety of native and beautiful flowering plants and trees.

This aesthetic improvement makes the Market District more attractive and appealing to residents and visitors. More improvements are planned as public and private partners collaboratively work together.

Greetings from TLH

Art students from Maclay School, under the leadership of professional muralist and art teacher Sarah Painter, and local muralist Cosby Hayes have brought more color to our beloved Market District with Tallahassee’s Greetings from TLH mural. The perfect backdrop for your selfie in the district, the mural features magnolias, canopy roads, and Florida’s capitol. Located on the side of Hopkins’ Eatery on Market Street, it is easily accessible to the community. The mural is sponsored by the Market District Association and Knight Creative Communities Institute (KCCI).

Art of the Box

Made possible by Knight Creative Communities Institute (KCCI) in collaboration with the City of TallahasseeLeon County Government, Fast Signs, Tallahassee Downtown, COCA, and Taproot Creative, the Art of the Box initiative transforms utility and traffic control boxes into artwork while giving local artists the opportunity to exhibit their art outdoors. Artwork is printed onto vinyl and wrapped around the boxes creating outdoor 3D art.

The Market District is home to two Art of the Box pieces. “Florida at Night”, by local artist Powell Kay Kreis (pictured), is located at the intersection of Market Street and Timberlane Road and illustrates Kreis’s memories of growing up in the woods of Tallahassee. “Gilchrist Grizzlies”, by Gilchrist Elementary School art teacher Victoria Mendenhall, is located at the intersection of Timberlane Road and Thomasville Road.

Check out our Instagram @MarketDistrictTLH for more district news!